It is clarified that the following conditions refer to sales of board games and other products through e-shop. These conditions apply in the exception of all other conditions.
1.1 The prices of products are listed in the currency the user has chosen, including all taxes, except for the shipping cost and the payment method.
1.2 The products remain property of RollnPlay until their payoff.
1.3 The price in which each product has been ordered, remains valid until it is received from the buyer. The price changes that may arise in the period the product has not been delivered/received from the buyer, do not affect this price.
1.4 The store makes every possible effort for the accurate recording of data, characteristics and prices of the products which are offered in its web page. This does not exclude the possibility of typing errors or technical errors in product prices and characteristics appearing. In case you spot a product with an unusually low or high price, please contact us before you order this product.
2.1 Buyer orders can be made by phone, through e-mail or through e-shop, any other means of communication is not considered reliable for the accomplishment of an order.
2.2 The transaction information is displayed either in English or Greek language and is validated in one of these languages at the time of receipt or before that. The Game Rules retains the right to cancel or refuse any order from any buyer with an unpaid debt from a previous order.
3.1 You agree that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions before you place your order. By accessing the payment page, you automatically accept the Terms and Conditions of use.
3.2 If not proven otherwise, the data RollnPlay has collected are evidence of the transactions occurred between RollnPlay and its customers.
4.1 The special offers and prices of our products are valid as long as they are visible in our e-shop. In this context, information about the availability of the products is provided the moment you place your order. The information within the e-shop is provided exclusively for guidance (and, at the same time, for error minimization and checks on stock). For out-of-stock products, our special offers are proportional to our suppliers’ availability. This information comes directly from our suppliers.
5.1 The products are delivered at the address you have stated during your order procedure. The games are shipped via Courier. We send an SMS with the parcel’s number, which you can use to track it via the Couriers’ web page.
5.2 If during your purchase you have added products of different availability from «Immediately Available», RollnPlay retains the right to request separate shipment of the available products, with transport costs that burden the buyer.
You can use PayPal, Viva Wallet, Express Checkout with Credit/Debit Card or Pay on Delivery (Greece and Cyprus) for paying for your purchases.
The payment method is chosen during the order procedure.
7.1 You have 14 days at your disposal from the time you receive your order to return the product. In order to return the product, you must first contact us.
7.2 The product must be sealed and accompanied by the corresponding document. In case of external damage or any visible destruction, its return is not possible.
7.3 The shipment process of the returning product is handled by RollnPlay. The shipment costs will depend on the volume of the returning parcel, and they burden the buyer.
Returns are sent in the following address:
Vitsentzou Kornarou 74,
Sitia, 72300, Greece
8.1 We are committed to return your money or replace the products which are damaged, externally worn out or do not correspond to the order.
8.2 In case of incomplete/damaged contents or any other dysfunction concerning the product’s interior, the manufacturer is responsible.
The replacement process of an incomplete/damaged product from each manufacturer requires contact from you via e-mail and the correspondence time is usually between 10-15 working days.
RollnPlay can remain a link between you and the manufacturer and help you in case of delay.
In any case, the manufacturer is obliged to replace the incomplete/damaged product.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for any clarification about the process.
9.1 Refund for the products mentioned in articles 7 & 8 will be made within 15 days from the time of receipt by RollnPlay.
9.2 Refunds are handled correspondingly according to the means of payment the buyer has paid.
We are accessible to serve you with the following methods:
By phone at (+30) 28430 26077
Via e-mail at
All texts, comments, works, illustrations and photos that are reproduced at the web page are protected by every legal right. For this reason, and in agreement with the intellectual property code, the exclusive private use is subjected to different rules. The reproduction of the web page, in whole or in part, is expressly prohibited based on the provisions about intellectual property (law 2121/93).
12.1 The products are conformed with the Greek legislation. RollnPlay cannot be held accountable for non-compliance with the laws of the country in which the products are delivered (e.g., in case of a symbol being banned). It is the buyer’s responsibility to check with the local authorities the possibility to import or use the products or services which he plans on ordering.
12.2 The purpose of the photos is to illustrate the products. Refer to the product description for each product so you are informed about its exact characteristics, and in case of doubt or further information you can contact us.
12.3 RollnPlay is responsible for the content of the pages it publishes on its web page,
12.4 In case of error between the product’s characteristics and its depiction, RollnPlay cannot be held responsible.
12.5 The store is not responsible for any mistakes in prices and characteristics of products and acknowledges the possibility of digital content dysfunction. In this case, the store needs to resolve the problem and cancel or modify any order made with the said product, after contact with the buyer.
This contract is subjected to the Greek laws and is governed by the provisions of PD 131/03 for e-commerce (2251/94 protection of consumer).
The contract’s language is the Greek language.
In case of dispute, an amicable settlement follows that is expected by the provisions for the protection of consumer and, in case of continuity of the dispute, the Greek courts are responsible.
The information and data associated with you are necessary for us to carry through your order and the transaction between us. You maintain the right of access and editing of your personal information at any time by giving us your name and e-mail address.
The relevant legislations are as follows:
LAW 2251/1994 (Government Gazette 191 A’ / November the 16th, 1994)
Article 4 – Distance selling of goods and services, other than financial services
- A distance contract is every contact pertaining to goods or services signed by a supplier and a consumer, without them being physically present at the same time, in the context of a system for the supply of goods or rendering of services from distance structured by the supplier, who uses, exclusively, one or more means of communication over a distance until and upon the signing of the contract. According to this article, means of communication from distance are mainly documents without a recipient, documents with a recipient, standard letters, advertising material with a coupon for placing an order, catalogues, telephone with or without human intervention, radio, screen telephone, videotext (microcomputer and television screen) with a keyboard or a screen for interactive communication, electronic mail, fax and television.
- A distance contract is void, in favor of the consumer, if before its signing, the consumer has not been informed through the chosen means of communication in a clear, explicit and comprehensible manner, according to the principles of good faith applicable on commercial transactions and the stipulations governing legal transactions, about the following details in particular, as well as any changes in them:
- a) the identity and the address of the supplier,
- b) the essential characteristics of the product or service,
- c) the price, quantity and transportation expenses, as well as the value added tax, if it is not included in the price,
- d) the method of payment, delivery and execution,
- e) the period in which the offer or the price stands,
- f) the right to withdraw,
- g) the cost for using a communication means from distance when it is calculated based on a pricelist other than the basic, subject to par. 3 of this article and
- h) the minimum duration of the contract for contracts pertaining to the provision of products or services on a constant or periodic basis.
In a telephone communication, the identity of the supplier and the commercial purpose of the phone call must be clearly stated at the beginning of any conversation with the consumer.
- The consumer is not billed for expenses of communication from distance used to communicate the acceptance of the service or the rendering of the service, unless otherwise stated in the proposal of the contract.
- It is forbidden to send products or provide services to the consumer without his prior relevant order, if the consumer has to pay a price for them, or if he has to return them, even if he does not have to pay any dispatch expenses. In case products are sent or services are rendered as per the above subparagraph, the consumer has the right to dispose of the products or the services as he pleases, without owing any fee, and free of any obligation to store or return the products. The absence of any reply from the consumer in case he is given goods or services which he has not ordered does not constitute consent or silent acceptance of the relevant transaction on his part.
- The stipulations of the above paragraph are not applicable if the supplier is not able to deliver the goods or render the services ordered by the consumer, and instead, further to a relevant agreement, he provides products or renders services to the consumer that are of equal quality at the same price, with the obligation to communicate in writing to the consumer that he may return the products or refuse the substitution services, if they do not respond to the terms of the agreement and that expenses for their return are payable by the supplier. The above paragraph is not applicable on the dispatch of samples or advertising gifts.
- Communication means must be used in a way that does not violate the privacy of the consumer.
In particular for non-requested communication the stipulations of article 11, law 3471/2006 are applicable (Government Gazette 133 Α’)
- It is forbidden to collect all or part of the price even in the form of wedding engagement, guarantee, issuance or acceptance of marketable securities or in any other form, before the delivery of the product or the rendering of the service.
- Unless otherwise agreed by the contracting parties, the supplier must fulfill the contract within a period of thirty (30) days maximum from the date the order of the consumer is communicated to him.
If the aforementioned deadline lapses, the consumer has the right of withdrawal.
- The distance contract is void in favor of the consumer if the latter does not receive in due time, during the contract’s execution and, at the latest, upon delivery of the products, which are not to be delivered to third parties, in written form or through any another fixed means as per case f paragraph 1 of article 4a, to which the consumer has access, and in the language used in the proposal for the contract, at least the following information:
- a) the information as per paragraph 2 of this article,
- b) the name and address of the supplier’s store closest to the consumer to which the consumer can address for the repair of the product,
- c) the method of payment including any credit terms or payment in installments as well as the terms for securing the payment,
Article 11 – Friendly settlement of consumers’ disputes
- In all prefectures prefects must form, within six months from the publication of this law, a committee intended to settle out of court disputes between suppliers and consumers or consumers unions.
- These committees have three members and consist of:
- a) A president, who is a lawyer, member of the law association, and nominated, with his substitute, by the board of directors of the law association.
- b) A representative of the local commercial and industrial chamber, who is nominated, with his substitute, by the board of directors of the chamber. In prefectures, where there are handicraft and professional chambers, their board of directors nominates one representative with his substitute. The representative of the chamber to which the supplier belongs is also a member of the committee. If possible, every chamber appoints one representative of every sector in the market, with his substitute, to participate in the committee when the dispute to be settled pertains to an activity of its member in the respective sector of the market and
- c) A representative of local unions of consumers who is nominated with his substitute by their board of directors. If such unions do not exist, the committee is joined by a representative of a consumers’ union of second degree, or a representative of the local work center, who is nominated, with his substitute, by its management. The secretary of the committee, and his substitute, are employees of the trade department of the local Prefecture and are nominated to the Consumer’s Advocate by the prefect.
- If required by the number of cases or special conditions of the law, there can be more committees formed.
- The term of office for members of committees intended for friendly settlements is two years and can be renewed once or more times.
- The committee competent is the one in the prefecture where the service of the supplier to the consumer was carried out – or was agreed to be carried out.
- The Consumer’s Advocate presents the committee further to an application by a consumer or by the local consumers union, as well as further to a reference case to the competent, according to the case. Cases are discussed, in the order set by the chairman, within fifteen (15) days at the latest as from the submission of the application or the reference, further to an invitation by the interested parties at least five (5) days earlier. These deadlines can be extended with a decision of the committee’s chairman up to five (5) days, if there are special reasons for that. Interested parties may be present at the discussion either in person or may be represented by an assigned attorney, or by a third party who has a relevant proxy.
- The committee adjudicates according to the law applicable. Additionally, it takes under consideration the custom in transactions. The committee may ask information from public services, public organizations, public utility companies, chambers and professional associations.
- The Committee convenes a legal meeting when all of its members are present and makes its decisions by a majority vote. The conclusions of the Committee are communicated to the Consumer’s Advocate and to any interested parties within fifteen (15) days at the latest as from the discussion of the relevant case. The conclusions of the Committee do not produce the effect of a court ruling, nor do they constitute an enforceable title.
- The respective prefectures file conclusions of friendly settlement committees and any interested party may obtain knowledge and a copy of them.
- By decision of the responsible prefect that is published in the Government Gazette, whenever there is need, the technical details of the execution of this article are settled.
P.D. 131/03 (Government Gazette A’ 116/16-5-03):
Article 4 – Obligatorily provided general information
- The service provider, other than the data mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 9 of article 4 of L. 2251/1994 (A’ 191) owes to offer to its recipients and the competent authorities easy, immediate and continuous access at least to the following information:
(a) the service provider’s trade name,
(b) geographical address in which the service provider is based
(c) data that allows fast contact and direct and substantial communication with the service provider, including their email address.
(d) the home location register and their record number in it, or equal way of identification in that register, provided that the service provider is registered in the trade registry, or similar public register,
(e) the data of the respective supervisory authority, provided the activity is subjected to the authorization system,
(f) concerning the regulated professions, professional association or similar organization in which the service provider is registered, professional title and member state who has sponsored him, mention of professional rules which apply to the establishment member state, as well as the means to access them.
(g) the identification number expected by the common value-added tax system turnover according to article 36 of L. 2859/2000 (A’ 248) «penalty of the value-added tax code», provided that the activity the service provider practices is subjected to VAT.
- When the information society’s services refer to prices, those must be registered definitely and accurately and, more specifically, must be clarified whether they contain tax and shipping costs.
- Commercial communications
Article 5 – Obligatorily provided information
Commercial communications that constitute an information society’s service or form a part of it owe to meet the following terms:
(a) commercial communication must be clearly recognizable,
(b) the natural or legal person on whose behalf the commercial communication is made must be clearly recognizable,
(c) special offers like discounts, premiums and gifts, as well as marketing competitions or games, to the extent they are allowed, must be clearly recognizable, their access to the terms under which someone can benefit from the special offers must be easy, and the terms must be presented definitely and accurately.
Article 9 – Provided information
- Apart from other provision of information requirements expected from the legal compliance and provided the contracting parties which are not consumers have not agreed differently, the service provider must provide at least the following information in a definite, comprehensible and undeniable way, before the order placement from the service receiver:
(a) the various technical phases until the conclusion of the contract,
(b) whether or not the service provider will file the contract after its conclusion, as well as if a possibility of access to it is expected,
(c) the technical means that will allow the tracking and error correction of electronic operation before the order placement,
(d) the same languages in which the contract can be concluded,
(e) the respective codes of conduct in which it is subjected to, as well as the data which allow access to said codes with electronic means.
- Individual terms of the contract and general terms of transaction which are provided to the receiver must be available in a way that allows their saving and reproduction.
- Paragraph 1 is not applicable to contracts which are concluded explicitly via e-mail or other equivalent individual media.
Article 10 – Ordering
- Provided that the contracting parties which are not consumers have not agreed otherwise, whenever a service receiver proceeds to ordering with technological means, the following principles apply:
– the service provider owes to send a proof of receipt of the receiver’s order without unnecessary delay and with electronic means,
– the order and the proof of receipt are considered received when the parties they are addressed to, have access to them,
– the service provider owes to make available to the receiver of the service suitable, effective and affordable means that will allow him to point out and correct his mistakes at the time of the electronic handling before the order’s placement.
- Paragraph 1, first and third instance are not applicable to contracts that are concluded explicitly via e-mail or via other equivalent individual means of communication.
- The responsibility of service provider intermediaries
Article 11 – Mere Conduit
- Where an information society service is provided that consists of the transmission in a communication network of information provided by a recipient of the service, or the provision of access to a communication network, the service provider is not liable for the information transmitted, on condition that the provider:
(a) does not initiate the transmission,
(b) does not select the receiver of the transmission, and
(c) does not select or modify the information contained in the transmission.
- The acts of transmission and of provision of access referred to in paragraph 1 include the automatic, intermediate and transient storage of the information transmitted in so far as this takes place for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission in the communication network, and provided that the information is not stored for any period longer than is reasonably necessary for the transmission.
- This Article shall not affect the possibility for a court or administrative authority of requiring the service provider to terminate or prevent an infringement.
Article 12 – Caching
- Where an information society service is provided that consists of the transmission in a communication network of information provided by a recipient of the service, the service provider is not liable for the automatic, intermediate and temporary storage of that information, performed for the sole purpose of making more efficient the information’s onward transmission to other recipients of the service upon their request, on condition that:
(a) the provider does not modify the information,
(b) the provider complies with conditions on access to the information,
(c) the provider complies with rules regarding the updating of the information, specified in a manner widely recognized and used by industry,
(d) the provider does not interfere with the lawful use of technology, widely recognized and used by industry, to obtain data on the use of the information, and
(e) the provider acts expeditiously to remove or to disable access to the information it has stored upon obtaining actual knowledge of the fact that the information at the initial source of the transmission has been removed from the network, or access to it has been disabled, or that a court or an administrative authority has ordered such removal or disablement
- This Article shall not affect the possibility for a court or administrative authority of requiring the service provider to terminate or prevent an infringement.
Article 16 – Out-of-court differences settlement
The differences that arise in electronic commerce are resolved as per the process that is expected in the provisions of article 11 of L. 2251/94 (A’ 191), as applicable, for the consumers’ protection.
Article 19 – Sanctions
The provision violators of this P.D. are punished with the expected sanctions of paragraph 3 article 14 of L. 2251/94 (Government Gazette A/191), as well as with the sanctions that are expected in the price control code as it is applicable.